It is clear to say the e-commerce landscape is evolving quickly. Omnichannel sales/delivery is a must these days. As a result, product information management is becoming more challenging and more complex. There are many different options (tools/products) to help you achieve your goals. Pimbird has extensive experience in e-commerce and implemented this into its tool. That is why Pimbird is your first option, especially when you’re working with Magento. We’ll explain why.

Reasons to use a PIM.

Is omnichannel the future of retail?

The E-commerce world is evolving rapidly. Customers want to have a shopping experience that feels like walking through a store. This means that product experience is becoming more and more important. Even so, customers are using a multitude of channels to shop, this means an omnichannel approach is necessary if you’re looking to increase your revenue and improve the customer experience. An agile approach with the focus on the customer is the way to go!

An omnichannel approach benefits the customer in three simple ways: 

  1. Easy to find all needed information to simplify the buying decision
  2. Constant personalized services across channels
  3. A more pleasant and convenient way to buy

Meanwhile, there are several benefits of omnichannel for businesses: 

  1. Enhanced selling probability
  2. Improved customer experience
  3. Establishing trust between customers
  4. More upsell and cross-sell opportunities

Product data: The key to success

Product content and data are the key to success in your e-commerce operation. Upon expanding, you will rapidly notice that data will be scattered and not kept and managed in a single place. This will soon become a burden and take up a lot of time. In the end, it will hinder operational excellence and your customer’s experience.

There is no doubt a PIM system helps streamlining this workflow, which is key for customer experience and product merchandising. There is a crystal clear need of communication between product teams, merchandiser, buyers, creative teams, etc.. Otherwise, your entire retail process will become inefficient, thus very time consuming. Pimbird helps solve this problem with tasks and ofcourse the fact that it is a single-source-of-truth for product data amongst all your teams.

You will want to expand and that means more products with more product data. The amount of work of trying to deal with this manually will become unmanageable. Also, it is a certainty that consistency across all channels will decrease accordingly. Dealing with multiple suppliers is a very first indication that you need a PIM. With Pimbird, you’ll be able to import all this product info with one click. Pimbird does the rest for you.

Can’t I manage all this in Magento?

Magento is one of the best enterprise e-commerce CMS solutions out there. A CMS does differ from a PIM tool. While Magento focuses on delivering your content visually, a PIM solution focuses on data & content data. This will improve your SEO and visibility in the market.

So, although Magento offers some PIM capabilities, it won’t live up to your goals. In fact, Magento’s PIM functionalities are considered weaker than most competitors. You’ll notice that most companies using Magento will adopt a PIM solution from an external vendor, like Pimbird. Which is pretty logical, if you think about it. Pimbird really specializes in a different area.

Is Magento the best choice then? Probably yes. Omnichannel content delivery and agility are Magento’s bread and butter. Magento has evident gaps and lacks features for personalization, customer data management, and content commerce. That’s why you need Pimbird, in a nutshell.

Why use Pimbird with Magento

First of all, Pimbird started with keeping in mind that Magento is the best backbone for your e-commerce business. This means Pimbird integrates seamlessly with Magento and we are full aware of all Magento’s capabilities. Several members of our team have experience in Magento integrations. On of our most unique features is a one-click Magento push. This means your product info will be uplaoded to Magento automatically with the right mapping. You won’t find this in any other PIM solution.

You want to see all this live? Contact us for a demo or start your free trial!